Dr.YET-MING CHIANG| MIT教授.|美國國家工程院院士

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日期:2022/09/06   IA

Yet-Ming Chiang 博士是 Form Energy 的聯合創始人兼首席科學家。他的學術職位是麻省理工學院材料科學與工程系的京瓷教授,自 1985 年以來一直是該系的教員。他的研究重點是先進材料和儲能技術,並在其中發表了大量論文並獲得了專利。蔣是美國國家工程院院士,也是電化學學會、材料研究學會、美國陶瓷學會和美國國家發明家學會的院士。他曾獲得經濟學人創新獎(能源與環境類別)、電化學學會電池部門的電池技術獎、材料研究學會的全體講師、R&D 100 和 R&D 100 編輯選擇獎,以及美國陶瓷學會的企業成就獎,Ross棺材珀迪,R.M.富拉斯和 F.H. 諾頓獎。在加入 Form Energy 之前,Chiang 與他人共同創立了 Desktop Metal、24M Technologies、A123 Systems 和 American Superconductor Corp 等公司。他還擔任多個政府和學術諮詢委員會和研究小組的成員。

Dr. Yet-Ming Chiang is co-founder and Chief Scientist at Form Energy. His academic position is as Kyocera Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at MIT, where he has been a faculty member since 1985. His research focuses on advanced materials and energy storage technology, in which he has published and patented extensively. Chiang is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, and a Fellow of the Electrochemical Society, the Materials Research Society, the American Ceramic Society, and the U.S. National Academy of Inventors. He has received The Economist’s Innovation Award (Energy and the Environment category), the Electrochemical Society’s Battery Division’s Battery Technology Award, the Materials Research Society’s Plenary Lecturership, the R&D 100 and R&D 100 Editor’s Choice Awards, and the American Ceramic Society’s Corporate Achievement, Ross Coffin Purdy, R.M. Fulrath, and F.H. Norton Awards. Prior to Form Energy, Chiang co-founded the companies Desktop Metal, 24M Technologies, A123 Systems, and American Superconductor Corp. He also serves on numerous government and academic advisory committees and study panels.

Prof. Chiang's的研究旨在設計、合成和表徵用於清潔能源技術的先進材料和設備,包括低碳交通和電網規模的電能存儲。 此外,他的團隊還研究用於工業材料脫碳的電化學過程,以及從各種原料中提取、分離和回收元素。 目前的項目主要集中在固體電解質、基於金屬電極的固態電池、電動航空電池、低成本、高度可擴展的電網蓄電池、水泥生產的脫碳以及灰燼和其他廢物的電化學開採中的新型傳導機制。

Prof. Chiang's research aims to design, synthesize, and characterize advanced materials and devices for use in clean energy technologies including low-carbon transportation and grid-scale electrical energy storage. In addition, his group studies electrochemical processes for the decarbonization of industrial materials, and the mining, separation, and recovery of elements from various feedstocks.  Current projects focus on novel conduction mechanisms in solid electrolytes, metal electrode based solid-state batteries, batteries for electric aviation, low-cost highly scalable grid storage batteries, decarbonization of cement production, and electrochemical mining of ashes and other wastes.