Dr. Omar Hurricane || LLNL 慣性約束聚變項目的首席科學家

亞洲之星 人氣:89

日期:2022/09/08   IAE 報導

Omar Hurricane is a physicist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in the thermonuclear and inertial confinement fusion design division.[1] Prior to Lawrence Livermore, he worked at the UCLA Institute of Plasma & Fusion Research. His research focuses on weapons physics, high energy density physics (HEDP) science, the theory of plasmas, and plasma instability. He has published widely in journals and conference papers.[2] Hurricane was the lead author of a 2014 paper presenting the results of fusion experiments demonstrating Fuel Gain greater than unity.

Omar Hurricane 是勞倫斯利弗莫爾國家實驗室熱核和慣性約束聚變設計部門的物理學家。 在加入勞倫斯利弗莫爾之前,他曾在加州大學洛杉磯分校等離子體與聚變研究所工作。 他的研究重點是武器物理、高能量密度物理 (HEDP) 科學、等離子體理論和等離子體不穩定性。 他在期刊和會議論文中發表了廣泛的文章。  Hurricane 是 2014 年一篇論文的主要作者,該論文展示了聚變實驗的結果,證明燃料增益大於一。

LLNL 慣性約束聚變項目的首席科學家 Omar Hurricane 在一份聲明中說:“創紀錄的鏡頭是聚變研究的一項重大科學進步,它確定了在實驗室中的聚變點火在 NIF 是可能的。”

颶風在一份聲明中說:“在實驗室裡有一個點火的‘存在證明’是非常令人興奮的。” “我們在一個自核試驗結束以來沒有研究人員進入過的製度下運作,隨著我們不斷取得進展,這是擴大我們知識的絕佳機會。”

Physicist Omar Hurricane receives prestigious Edward Teller Award


勞倫斯利弗莫爾國家實驗室慣性約束聚變 (ICF) 項目的首席科學家奧馬爾颶風是 2021 年愛德華泰勒獎的獲得者。

美國核學會 (ANS) 的聚變能部向颶風頒發了該獎項,以表彰他“在國家點火設施 (NIF) 實驗方面的遠見卓識和領導力,從而實現了燃料增益、α 加熱為主的等離子體,以及燃燒的等離子體。”

Hurricane 說:“很榮幸得到支持我提名該獎項的同事的認可,並且非常高興能夠獲得認可,因為我們九年的問題解決使我們接近了點火的門檻。” “比獎牌更重要的是,我感謝選擇與我一起工作的優秀團隊。”

颶風完成了他的博士學位。 1994 年,在加州大學洛杉磯分校 (UCLA),在 René Pellat 教授的指導下。他在 UCLA 擔任博士後,在顧問 Steven Cowley 的指導下,研究高β等離子體中的扭結和非線性氣球模式不穩定性,直到加入 LLNL 1998 年擔任 A-Division (Secondary Design) 的設計師。

他最初在鳳凰城脈衝電源項目中從事地下測試建模工作,並在其第一個延壽計劃 (LEP) 期間擔任 W87 二級首席設計師。颶風領導了一項為期 10 年的跨學科科學工作,美其名曰“能量平衡”,解決了長期存在的核武器問題,並因此在 2009 年獲得美國能源部歐內斯特·奧蘭多·勞倫斯獎。

2012 年,時任實驗室主任帕尼奧爾布賴特要求颶風領導一個替代點火科學團隊。在 Hurricane 的領導下,這項工作分為兩部分:重點物理實驗來研究 NIF 實驗中出現的問題,以及使用替代膠囊設計的綜合實驗,該設計在理論上的高性能與實際改進的穩健性和可預測性之間進行權衡。賽道和潛在的“大本營”戰略都非常成功,構成了 NIF 處於點火閾值的基礎,並導致了對點火的理解和進展的提高。

Hurricane 於 2016 年被選為美國物理學會會員,以表彰這些對 ICF 的貢獻,導致首次實驗室演示了以 α 加熱為主的等離子體。

ANS 還向大阪大學激光工程研究所所長 Ryosuke Kodama 頒發了 2021 年 Edward Teller 獎章。

Edward Teller 獎成立於 1991 年,旨在表彰在使用激光、離子粒子束或其他高強度驅動器產生獨特的高密度物質用於科學研究和進行慣性聚變研究方面的開創性研究和領導力。該獎章是為了紀念已故傑出物理學家、LLNL 名譽主任和胡佛研究所高級研究員而命名的。 Teller 是全球公認的慣性聚變科學先驅。

ANS 成立於 1954 年,是一個由致力於核科學技術應用的工程師和科學家組成的專業組織。

LLNL 之前的 Teller 獎章獲得者包括 John Nuckolls、John Lindl、Steven Haan、George Zimmerman、Mordecai Rosen、Laurance Suter、Joe Kilkenny、Edward Moses、Bruce Remington、James Hammer 和 Max Tabak。

Omar Hurricane, chief scientist for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory inertial confinement fusion (ICF) program, is a recipient of the 2021 Edward Teller Award.

The Fusion Energy Division of the American Nuclear Society (ANS) presented the award to Hurricane for his “visionary scientific insights and leadership of National Ignition Facility (NIF) experiments resulting in the achievement of fuel gain, an alpha-heating-dominated plasma, and a burning plasma.”

“It’s a great honor to be recognized by colleagues who supported my nomination for the award and it’s very gratifying to get recognition for the nine years of problem solving that got us to the threshold of ignition,” Hurricane said. “More important than the medal, I’m grateful for the team of great people who chose to work with me.”

Hurricane completed his Ph.D. at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) under the supervision of Professor René Pellat in 1994. He remained at UCLA as a postdoc under adviser Steven Cowley, studying the kink and nonlinear ballooning mode instability in high-beta plasmas until joining LLNL in 1998 as a designer in A-Division (Secondary Design).

He initially worked on modeling underground tests then in the Phoenix pulsed power project and as the W87 secondary lead designer during its first life extension program (LEP). Hurricane led a 10-year interdisciplinary science effort, euphemistically called “Energy Balance,” that resolved a long-standing nuclear weapons issue for which he was awarded the U.S. Department of Energy Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award in 2009.  

In 2012, Hurricane was asked by then-Lab director Parney Albright to lead an alternative ignition science team. Under Hurricane’s leadership, this effort was broken into two parts: focused physics experiments to study questions that had arisen from NIF experiments and integrated experiments using an alternate capsule design that traded off theoretical high performance for actual improved robustness and predictability. Both tracks and the underlying ‘basecamp’ strategy have been extremely successful, form the basis for the NIF being at the threshold of ignition and have led to improved understanding and progress towards ignition.

Hurricane was elected a fellow of the American Physical Society in 2016 in recognition of these contributions to ICF leading to the first laboratory demonstration of an alpha-heating dominated plasma.

The ANS also presented a 2021 Edward Teller Award medal to Ryosuke Kodama, director of the Institute of Laser Engineering at Osaka University.

Established in 1991, the Edward Teller Award recognizes pioneering research and leadership in the use of lasers, ion-particle beams or other high-intensity drivers to produce unique high-density matter for scientific research and to conduct investigations of inertial fusion. The medal is named in honor of the late distinguished physicist, LLNL director emeritus and senior research fellow at the Hoover Institution. Teller is recognized worldwide as a pioneer in inertial fusion science.

Established in 1954, ANS is a professional organization of engineers and scientists devoted to the applications of nuclear science and technology.

Previous Teller medalists from LLNL include John Nuckolls, John Lindl, Steven Haan, George Zimmerman, Mordecai Rosen, Laurance Suter, Joe Kilkenny, Edward Moses, Bruce Remington, James Hammer and Max Tabak.