Dr.Steven Cowley PPPL Director||普林斯頓等離子體物理實驗室主任

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日期:2022/09/07   IAE 報導

理論物理學家和聚變能國際權威史蒂文·考利(Steven Cowley)於 2018 年 7 月 1 日成為普林斯頓等離子體物理實驗室 (PPPL) 的第七任主任,並將於 2018 年 9 月 1 日成為普林斯頓大學天體物理學教授。最近擔任 Corpus 總裁 Cowley 自 2016 年起擔任英國牛津大學克里斯蒂學院和物理學教授,此前擔任英國原子能局 (UKAEA) 首席執行官和卡勒姆聚變能源中心負責人。 他於 1985 年在普林斯頓大學獲得天體物理學博士學位,並於 1987 年至 1993 年在 PPPL 擔任科學家。他是皇家學會和皇家工程院院士,並於 6 月被英國女王封為爵士 2018 年,表彰他在聚變科學方面的作用。

Steven Cowley, a theoretical physicist and international authority on fusion energy, became the seventh Director of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) on July 1, 2018 and will be Princeton professor of astrophysical sciences on September 1, 2018. Most recently president of Corpus Christi College and professor of physics at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom since 2016, Cowley previously was chief executive officer of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) and head of the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy. He earned his doctorate at Princeton University in astrophysical sciences in 1985 and was a staff scientist at PPPL from 1987 to 1993. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society and of the Royal Academy of Engineering, and was knighted by the Queen of England in June 2018 for his role in fusion science.

Steven Charles Cowley Kt FRS FREng FInstP 爵士(生於 1959 年)是英國理論物理學家,也是核聚變和天體物理等離子體方面的國際權威。 他自 2018 年 7 月 1 日起擔任美國能源部 (DOE) 普林斯頓等離子體物理實驗室 (PPPL) 主任。 [5] 此前,他自 2016 年 10 月起擔任牛津大學科珀斯克里斯蒂學院院長。 和 EURATOM / CCFE 聚變協會的負責人和英國原子能局 (UKAEA) 的首席執行官。

獲得了牛津大學科珀斯克里斯蒂學院的獎學金,並於 1981 年獲得物理學學士學位。 [6] 他繼續作為哈克尼斯研究員在普林斯頓大學學習,並於 1985 年因在 Russell Kulsrud 的指導下研究託卡馬克而獲得博士學位。 [4][7][8][9]

Sir Steven Charles Cowley Kt FRS FREng FInstP (born 1959) is a British theoretical physicist and international authority on nuclear fusion and astrophysical plasmas. He has served as director of the United States Department of Energy (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) since 1 July 2018.[5] Previously he served as president of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, since October 2016.[6] and head of the EURATOM / CCFE Fusion Association and chief executive officer of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA).


Cowley won a scholarship to Corpus Christi College, Oxford and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Physics in 1981.[6] He went on to study at Princeton University as a Harkness Fellow and was awarded a PhD in 1985 for research into tokamaks supervised by Russell Kulsrud.