Fusion Energy Sciences

日期:2022/09/21   IAE

聚變能源科學 (FES) 計劃有兩個目標:(1) 擴大對高溫和高密度物質的理解,(2) 建立開發聚變能源所需的知識。從聚變中提供能量是 21 世紀工程面臨的 14 大挑戰之一,FES 是聯邦政府最大的研究支持者,致力於解決克服這一挑戰的剩餘障礙。

等離子體是非常熱的氣體,如此熱以至於電子已經從原子核中釋放出來,形成了可以由電場和磁場控制的離子和電子的集合。已知的宇宙由超過 99% 的等離子體組成,這些等離子體形成了太陽等恆星。科學家研究太空中的等離子體,如恆星爆炸,以更好地了解等離子體物理學。科學家還研究地球上發生的等離子體,如閃電。也有製造並隨處可見的等離子,如燈泡和商店的霓虹燈。有些等離子體具有實際應用,例如先進的醫療和衛生程序。然而,在地球上創造和維持等離子體存在挑戰。


FES 與其合作夥伴科學機構一起支持一支敬業的員工隊伍,自 60 多年前的第一次聚變實驗以來,他們取得了令人矚目的進步。美國能源部國家實驗室、大學和私營企業的科學家和工程師每天都在取得進展。在這項基礎研究的公共財政支持下,聚變科學家正在使用當今世界上一些最雄心勃勃的能源項目、最強大的超級計算機和最快的網絡對聚變能源的可行性進行基礎測試.

科學是關於服務——關於擴大人類知識和推動發現的承諾——並促進創新、技術發展和經濟進步。 這一承諾,加上獨特的世界級能力,使能源部 (DOE) 的科學辦公室成為美國在科技領域的領導地位不可或缺的支柱。 我們是美國最大的物理科學基礎研究支持者,是美國 10 個國家實驗室的管理者,也是支持能源生產和安全基礎研究的主要聯邦機構。


尖端技術和科學工具推動美國能源部做出改變世界的發現。科學辦公室利用世界上最大的一系列主要科學用戶設施加速發現,其中包括粒子對撞機、強大的 X 射線光源以及精密傳感器和光學器件。世界上一些最強大的超級計算機駐留在美國能源部的用戶設施中——橡樹嶺國家實驗室的 Summit 超級計算機目前是世界領先的——它們能夠實現技術創新,同時加快對從聚變反應堆中的等離子體特性到復雜天氣等方方面面的洞察力和氣候模式,地震的地球物理學。

發現科學為技術創新和經濟進步提供了持久的基礎。每年有超過 40 家財富 500 強公司和數十家小企業使用我們的設施,利用這些獨特的工具和能力在從藥物發現到車輛、飛機和噴氣發動機設計等領域取得進步。事實證明,我們的強光 X 射線光源對於開發對抗惡性黑色素瘤的藥物至關重要,並揭示了對阿爾茨海默病、肝炎、寨卡病毒和普通感冒的見解。科學辦公室的研究人員正在利用我們最快的超級計算機的力量來更多地了解退伍軍人的健康狀況。

科學辦公室支持的研究解鎖了了解食物鏈中汞污染的基因鑰匙,發明了預示著更大設備小型化未來的新型 3D 打印微電池,並創造了包括超硬玻璃在內的工業用新材料和超強鋼。他們誘使微生物製造生物燃料,並使用納米技術發明了一種新型可重複使用的海綿,在漏油期間可以吸收其重量 90 倍的油。 Accelerator 科技已經產生了改善機場安全、重新定義癌症治療並為數百萬人帶來安全用水的工具。今天,我們專注於計算的未來,將計算速度提高到百億億次,並重新構想基於量子物理學的巨大計算新前景。


Science Serving the Nation
Science is about service – about a commitment to expanding human knowledge and driving discovery – and fosters innovation, technology development, and economic progress. This commitment, coupled with unique, world-class capabilities, is what makes the Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Office of Science an indispensable pillar of America’s leadership in science and technology. We are the nation’s largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences, the steward of 10 of the Nation’s national laboratories, and the lead federal agency supporting fundamental research for energy production and security.

The Office of Science supports the Nation’s best minds, using the world’s best facilities, to keep America at the forefront of discovery. From astronomy to zeolites, our researchers are unveiling secrets of the basic building blocks of matter, such as quarks, neutrinos, and the Higgs boson. They peer deep into outer space to understand the dark matter and dark energy that seem to dominate the universe and yet have eluded our attempts to observe them directly. They peer deep into inner space, too, examining and manipulating matter at nanoscale and atomic resolutions.

World-Class Scientific Tools
Cutting-edge technology and scientific tools drive world-shaping discoveries at DOE. The Office of Science accelerates discovery with the world’s largest array of major scientific user facilities that includes particle colliders, powerful X-ray light sources, and delicate sensors and optics. Some of the most powerful supercomputers in the world reside in DOE user facilities – the Summit supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is currently the world leader – and enable technological innovation while speeding insights into everything from the properties of plasma in fusion reactors, to complex weather and climate patterns, to the geophysics of earthquakes. 

Discovery science provides an enduring foundation for technological innovation and economic progress. More than 40 Fortune 500 companies and dozens of small businesses use our facilities each year, leveraging these unique tools and capabilities to enable advances in areas ranging from drug discovery to the design of vehicles, aircraft, and jet engines. Our intensely bright X-ray light sources proved crucial for the development of a drug against malignant melanoma, and have revealed insights into Alzheimer’s disease, hepatitis, Zika, and the common cold. Office of Science researchers are using the power of our fastest supercomputers to learn more about the health of veterans. 

Office of Science-supported research has unlocked the genetic key to understanding mercury contamination in the food chain, invented novel 3D-printed microbatteries that presage a future of even greater device miniaturization, and created new materials for industrial use that include super-tough glasses and super-strong steels. They have coaxed microbes to create biofuels, and used nano techniques to invent a new kind of reusable sponge that can absorb 90 times its weight in oil during oil spills. Accelerator science and technology have yielded tools that improved airport security, redefined cancer therapy, and brought safe water to millions. Today, we’re focused on the future of computing, pushing computing speeds to exascale and re-imaging a vast new vista of computing based on quantum physics. 

The best scientific minds, using the best tools and technologies, at the best facilities in the world – this is the Office of Science at work, Science Serving the Nation.