
日期:2022/12/25   IA

小型常溫常壓核融合反應堆.可將革命性改變人類太空宇宙探險動力重要問題!|  A small nuclear fusion reactor at normal temperature and pressure. It can revolutionize the important issue of human space exploration power! 

 (NASA問題解決之個案 Case Study of NASA Problem Solving 2022.12.25)

IAE全球核融合產學研中心IAE Global Nuclear Fusion Industry-University-Research Center) https://www.IAEUN.org/content/merit/faqList.aspx

IAE全球量子核融合產學研中心IAE Global Quantum Nuclear Fusion Industry-University-Research Center http://www.IAEFusion.org

NASA宇宙太空探險電力問題個案A Case Study of Power Problems in NASA Space Expeditions


4年前火星出任務!它「臨死前」最後1幕曝光 NASA不捨





4 years ago Mars mission! NASA is reluctant to let go of the last scene of its "before it dies"

The difference between InSight and landers such as Curiosity and Perseverance is that the former is a fixed-point detection, while the latter two are Mars exploration rovers that move on the surface. In addition, Curiosity and Perseverance are powered by nuclear power batteries and do not require sunlight to maintain operation, while InSight is powered by solar panels.

But also because of this, the power of InSight, which has accumulated too much dust, has declined year by year, until now it is unable to respond to the Earth Control Center. Since May 2022, the daily power output of InSight will be only one-tenth of what it was when it first landed. Although NASA engineers have tried to order InSight to shake to clear the dust, it has no effect.

"We have considered InSight as our friend and work partner on Mars for the past 4 years, so it is difficult to say goodbye, but it has received a well-deserved retirement," NASA said in a statement.

During its mission, InSight detected more than 1,300 Marsquakes, more than 10,000 dust storms, and shock waves and atmospheric fluctuations from meteorite impacts on Mars. And the Martian quakes and internal volcanic activities it detected are completely contrary to what scientists used to think of Mars as a barren and depressed Mars.