頂級獎項提名:威爾許化學獎 ,2021年威爾許化學獎獲得者,「提名在每年 1 月的最後一日前收到」

推進化學 改善生活   威爾許基金會是美國最大的私人資金來源之一,用於德克薩斯州的大學、學院和其他教育機構的基礎化學研究。

Professor Chi-Huey Wong

The Scripps Research Institute


該化學威爾許獎由每年頒發羅伯特A·韋爾奇基金會,總部設在得克薩斯州休斯敦,鼓勵和表彰基礎化學研究,為人類造福。該獎項自 1972 年以來一直頒發,是化學領域規模最大、最負盛名的獎項之一。 它的幾位獲獎者隨後獲得了諾貝爾獎。


該獎項是為了紀念羅伯特·阿朗佐·韋爾奇(Robert Alonzo Welch)而命名的,他在石油和礦產領域發了財,堅信化學能夠讓世界變得更美好。韋爾奇先生在他的遺囑中說:“長期以來,我一直對化學領域研究領域中人類改善的巨大可能性印象深刻。” 獎品價值 500,000 美元。









羅伯特 A. 韋爾奇化學獎應在有正當理由的情況下頒發。收件人將被要求出席 10 月舉行的儀式和晚宴。該獎項的金額為 500,000 美元,將由獲獎者分享。








任何人都可以提交提名以供考慮,但不允許自我提名。所有提名必須使用proposalCentral申請門戶提交。詳細說明和程序可在下面的鏈接中找到。提名必須包括 (a) 提名所依據的化學研究領域的詳細描述,(b) 被提名人的簡要傳記,(c) 被提名人最重要的 25 篇科學出版物的清單, (d) 不超過三封附議提名信。


提名必須在每年 1 月的最後一個工作日之前收到,並且將在五年內保持資格,無需修改。


基金會董事和高級職員以及基金會科學顧問委員會 (SAB) 成員不得提名,也無資格獲得該獎項。前 SAB 成員有資格在他們離開 SAB 的日曆年四 (4) 年後獲得提名。(例如:如果 SAB 成員在 2020 年的任何時候離開董事會,他們將有資格在 2024 年獲得提名。)



SAB 構成威爾許獎委員會,並考慮是否有任何被提名者值得該獎項。SAB 向董事會推薦最多三名有資格獲得該獎項的提名人,並由董事會做出最終選擇。


收件人將被要求出席 10 月份在德克薩斯州休斯頓舉行的儀式和宴會。獎金金額為 500,000 美元。





Houston, TX – September 8, 2021 – The Welch Foundation, one of the nation’s largest sources of private funding for basic chemical research, has announced that Professor Chi-Huey Wong is the 2021 recipient of the prestigious Robert A. Welch Award in Chemistry. Dr. Wong is an influential leader who has made numerous discoveries in the fields of synthetic chemistry and chemical biology that have benefited humankind. With this award, he is being recognized for his development of new methods for the synthesis of complex carbohydrates and glycoproteins and the elucidation of carbohydrate-mediated biological recognition associated with disease progression.


“The mission of The Welch Foundation is to improve the lives of others through the advancement of chemical research, and Dr. Wong has been working towards that goal for decades,” said Carin Barth, Chair and Director, The Welch Foundation Board of Directors. “Not only has he made revolutionary advances in chemistry and biology, but his methodologies will facilitate new drug and vaccine developments for years to come.”


Dr. Wong is the Scripps Family Chair Professor in the Department of Chemistry at The Scripps Research Institute. Much of his work for the past three decades has focused on the importance of carbohydrates in the active immunization and treatment of cancer and infectious disease. His work since the 1980’s resulted in the development of scientific and technological tools including effective synthesis of complex polysaccharide antigens and glycoconjugates, suppression of autoimmune phenomena, homogenous antibodies, boosting the memory of the immune system and enhancing its cancer and virus killing abilities, and highly sensitive analytical methods. Recently, these tools and methods were instrumental in creating a vaccine that targets carbohydrates specific to the surface of cancer cells.


Carbohydrates are one of the four major classes of molecules that make up cells, including nucleic acids, proteins and lipids. A serious impediment to investigating their role in biology is making them. “Chi-Huey Wong is the most important figure in the development of carbohydrate synthesis using enzymatic catalysis.” said Peter Dervan, Chair, The Welch Foundation Scientific Advisory Board. “Chi-Huey transformed the field of carbohydrate chemistry with innovative synthetic methods such as automated programmable assembly of oligosaccharides using computer-based guide to select the order of building blocks. This eliminated the problem of protecting group manipulation in traditional solution phase synthesis and enabled biochemists to study the functional role of glycosylation of proteins and lipids in biology and medicine.”


Dr. Wong received B.S. and M.S. degrees from National Taiwan University and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University with George M. Whitesides for a year before becoming a faculty member at Texas A&M University where he was soon promoted to a full professor. He joined the Scripps Research Institute in 1989 as Professor and Ernest W. Hahn Chair in Chemistry until 2006 when he was appointed as President of Academia Sinica for a 10-year term. He then became President Emeritus in 2016 and Distinguished Research Fellow at the Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica with a joint appointment as Professor of Chemistry at The Scripps Research Institute. Since 2019, he has served as the Scripps Family Chair Professor in the Department of Chemistry at The Scripps Research Institute in addition to being a Distinguished Research Fellow at the Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica.


Dr. Wong is the recipient of numerous awards including the Searle Scholar Award in Biomedical Sciences (1985), the Presidential Young Investigator Award in Chemistry (1986), the American Chemical Society (ACS) Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award (1993), the Roy Whistler Award of the International Carbohydrate Organization (1994), the ACS Harrison Howe Award in Chemistry (1999), the ACS Claude S. Hudson Award in Carbohydrate Chemistry (1999), the International Enzyme Engineering Award (1999), the US Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award (2000), the ACS Award for Creative Work in Synthetic Organic Chemistry (2005), the Humboldt Research Award for Senior Scientists (2006), the F. Albert Cotton Medal (2008), the Nikkei Asia Prize for Science, Technology and Innovation (2012), the ACS Arthur C. Cope Medal (2012), the Wolf Prize in Chemistry (2014) and the Robert Robinson Award of the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK (2015).


He is a member of Academia Sinica, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the US National and World Academies of Sciences, the European Molecular Biology Organization and the US National Academy of Inventors. He served as an Editorial Advisory Board member for the Journal of American Chemical Society and Angewandte Chemie, Chairman of the Executive Board of Editors of the Tetrahedron Publications, head of the Frontier Research Program on Glycotechnology at RIKEN in Japan and a Board member of the US National Research Council of Chemical Sciences and Technology. In addition, he has received several honorary doctorate degrees, presented numerous plenary and named lectures and served as a scientific advisory board member to organizations in Germany, Japan, Taiwan and the US.


Since 1954, the Houston-based Welch Foundation has contributed more than $1.1 billion to the advancement of chemistry through research grants, departmental research grants, endowed chairs and support for other chemistry-related programs in Texas. The purpose of the Robert A. Welch Award is to foster and encourage basic chemical research and to recognize, in a substantial manner, the value of chemical research contributions for the benefit of humankind as set forth in the will of Robert Alonzo Welch. Upon accepting the award, Dr. Wong will receive $500,000 and a gold medallion. For more information on the Foundation and a list of previous Welch Award recipients, please visit www.welch1.org.



PR Contact

Laura Jones/Dancie Perugini Ware Public Relations

[email protected]



德克薩斯州休斯頓- 2021 年 9 月 8 日 - 威爾許基金會是美國最大的基礎化學研究私人資金來源之一,該基金會宣布翁啟惠教授是著名的羅伯特 A. 威爾許化學獎的 2021 年獲得者。翁博士是一位有影響力的領導者,他在合成化學和化學生物學領域取得了許多造福人類的發現。憑藉該獎項,他因開發合成複雜碳水化合物和糖蛋白的新方法以及闡明與疾病進展相關的碳水化合物介導的生物識別而受到認可。


“威爾許基金會的使命是通過推進化學研究來改善他人的生活,而翁博士幾十年來一直致力於實現這一目標,”威爾許基金會董事會主席兼董事 Carin Barth 說。“他不僅在化學和生物學方面取得了革命性的進步,而且他的方法將促進未來幾年新藥和疫苗的開發。”


翁博士是斯克里普斯研究所化學系的斯克里普斯家族講座教授。在過去的三十年裡,他的大部分工作都集中在碳水化合物在癌症和傳染病的主動免疫和治療中的重要性。他自 1980 年代以來的工作導致了科學和技術工具的發展,包括有效合成複雜的多醣抗原和糖綴合物、抑制自身免疫現象、同源抗體、增強免疫系統的記憶力和增強其癌症和病毒殺傷能力,以及高度靈敏的分析方法。最近,這些工具和方法有助於創造一種針對癌細胞表面特異性碳水化合物的疫苗。


碳水化合物是構成細胞的四大類分子之一,包括核酸、蛋白質和脂質。研究它們在生物學中的作用的一個嚴重障礙是製造它們。“Chi-Huey Wong 是利用酶催化合成碳水化合物的最重要人物。” 韋爾奇基金會科學顧問委員會主席 Peter Dervan 說。“Chi-Huey 用創新的合成方法改變了碳水化合物化學領域,例如使用基於計算機的指南選擇構建塊的順序來自動編程寡糖組裝。這消除了傳統液相合成中保護基團操作的問題,並使生物化學家能夠研究蛋白質和脂質糖基化在生物學和醫學中的功能作用。”


翁博士在台灣大學獲得學士和碩士學位,並獲得博士學位。麻省理工學院化學博士。在成為德州農工大學的教員之前,他曾在哈佛大學與喬治·M·懷特塞茲 (George M. Whitesides) 一起做博士後一年,在那裡他很快被提升為正教授。他於 1989 年加入斯克里普斯研究所,擔任教授和 Ernest W. Hahn 化學教授,直到 2006 年被任命為中央研究院院長,任期 10 年。隨後,他於 2016 年成為名譽院長,並在中央研究院基因組學研究中心擔任傑出研究員,並被聯合任命為斯克里普斯研究所的化學教授。自 2019 年以來,


翁博士是眾多獎項的獲得者,包括 Searle 生物醫學學者獎 (1985)、總統化學青年研究員獎 (1986)、美國化學學會 (ACS) Arthur C. Cope 學者獎 (1993)、國際碳水化合物組織 Roy Whistler 獎 (1994)、ACS Harrison Howe 化學獎 (1999)、ACS Claude S. Hudson 碳水化合物化學獎 (1999)、國際酶工程獎 (1999)、美國總統綠色化學挑戰獎(2000 年)、ACS 合成有機化學創新工作獎(2005 年)、洪堡高級科學家研究獎(2006 年)、F. Albert Cotton 獎章(2008 年)、日經亞洲科學技術獎和創新(2012 年),ACS Arthur C. Cope 獎章(2012 年),沃爾夫化學獎(2014 年)和英國皇家化學學會羅伯特·羅賓遜獎(2015 年)。


他是中央研究院、美國藝術與科學院、美國國家和世界科學院、歐洲分子生物學組織和美國國家發明家研究院的成員。他曾擔任Journal of American Chemical Society and Angewandte Chemie的編輯顧問委員會成員、Tetrahedron Publications編輯執行委員會主席、日本RIKEN糖技術前沿研究項目負責人和美國委員會成員國家化學科學與技術研究委員會。此外,他還獲得了多個榮譽博士學位,多次在全會和命名講座,並擔任德國、日本、台灣和美國組織的科學顧問委員會成員。


自 1954 年以來,總部位於休斯敦的韋爾奇基金會通過研究資助、部門研究資助、捐贈主席以及對德克薩斯州其他化學相關項目的支持,為化學發展貢獻了超過 11 億美元。羅伯特·A·韋爾奇獎的目的是促進和鼓勵基礎化學研究,並以實質性的方式承認羅伯特·阿朗佐·韋爾奇遺囑中為人類造福的化學研究貢獻的價值。領獎後,黃博士將獲得 500,000 美元和一枚金質獎章。有關基金會的更多信息和以前的韋爾奇獎獲得者名單,請訪問 www.welch1.org。




Laura Jones/Dancie Perugini Ware 公共關係

[email protected]


2021 Welch Award in Chemistry in honor of Professor Chi-Huey Wong: Full Program

「提名必須在每年 1 月的最後一個工作日之前收到」